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Address Book

The OS X Contacts application is a central location for storing your contact data. Many applications (both from Apple & third-parties) make use of this data. For instance, the Apple Mail application uses the Address Book data for addressing outgoing messages & identifying incoming mail. The Address Book data is also a key part of the sync services that are integrated in the OS which means other applications (such as Microsoft Entourage) can synchronize contact data so that no matter where you enter your data, your contacts can be kept up-to-date at all times.

OS X provides a robust set of tools for accessing & manipulating this contact data. Dialectic makes use of this data in several locations. Here are the places where Dialectic interacts with you Address Book data:

Interaction between Dialectic & Contacts could be further enhanced using AppleScript. For instance, when an incoming call is detected, Dialectic could run a script to open the associated contact record in the Contacts application (if available) and append an entry to the contact’s note field with the date & time of the incoming call.


Open Contacts

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