--Open this script in a new Script Editor window.

property script_name : "List Folder Contents"
property script_description : "This script will list a folder's contents returning full paths as strings and limit the list to specific file types. The script can also process subfolders (recursion)."

set the_folder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose a Folder to List:") as Unicode text
set file_types to {} --file types, set to {} and inc_folders to true to just return folders; file types are 4 character codes such as "osas" or "TEXT"

set with_subfolders to my get_boolean("Search subfolders?", {"No", "Yes"})
if with_subfolders = "user cancelled" then return

set inc_folders to my get_boolean("Include folders in the list? (If you only want file names, and not folder names, select \"No\".)", {"No", "Yes"})
if inc_folders = "user cancelled" then return

set use_posix_path to my get_boolean("Return the paths as HFS (Mac-style) or POSIX (UNIX-style)?", {"HFS", "POSIX"})
if use_posix_path = "user cancelled" then return

set return_as_string to my get_boolean("Return the results as an AppleScript list or a string with each file on its own line?", {"List", "String"})
if return_as_string = "user cancelled" then return

set add_to_clipboard to my get_boolean("Copy the results to the clipboard?", {"No", "Yes"})
if add_to_clipboard = "user cancelled" then return

set the_files to get_folder_list(the_folder, file_types, with_subfolders, inc_folders, use_posix_path)

if return_as_string then
    tell (a reference to my text item delimiters)
        set {old_tid, contents} to {contents, return}
        set {the_files_string, contents} to {the_files as Unicode text, old_tid}
    end tell
    copy the_files_string to the_files
end if

if add_to_clipboard then
    if not return_as_string then
        copy the_files to the_files_string
        repeat with i from 1 to (count the_files_string)
            set item i of the_files_string to ("\"" & item i of the_files_string & "\", ")
        end repeat
        set the_files_string to ("{" & (text 1 thru -3 of (the_files_string as Unicode text)) & "}")
    end if
    set the clipboard to the_files_string
end if
return the_files

on get_folder_list(the_folder, file_types, with_subfolders, inc_folders, use_posix_path)
    set the_files to {}
    tell application "Finder" to set folder_list to items of folder the_folder
    repeat with new_file in folder_list
            set temp_file_type to file type of new_file
        on error
            set temp_file_type to "fold"
        end try
        if file_types contains temp_file_type or file_types = {} then
            if use_posix_path then
                set the_files to the_files & {POSIX path of (new_file as Unicode text)}
                set the_files to the_files & {new_file as Unicode text}
            end if
        end if
        if temp_file_type = "fold" then
            if inc_folders and file_types ≠ {} then
                if use_posix_path then
                    set the_files to the_files & {POSIX path of (new_file as Unicode text)}
                    set the_files to the_files & {new_file as Unicode text}
                end if
            end if
            if with_subfolders then set the_files to the_files & my get_folder_list((new_file as Unicode text), file_types, with_subfolders, inc_folders, use_posix_path)
        end if
    end repeat
    return the_files
end get_folder_list

on get_boolean(m, b)
        return (button returned of (display dialog m buttons ({"Cancel"} & b) default button 3 with icon 1) = (b's item 2))
    on error
        return "user cancelled"
    end try
end get_boolean