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Alfred by Running with Crayons is a popular and versatile utility application. If you have the optional Alfred Powerpack installed, you can select a phone number stored in your Address Book (Contacts) database and send it to Dialectic for dialing.

Alfred v2

Alfred v2 supports a new workflow feature that makes the application much more powerful by being able to string together inputs and triggers to create complex actions. On the Dialectic Resources page (see the “Launchers” section), there is an item named “Dialectic Alfred Workflow.” Download & expand this item then see the included “Read Me” for instructions on installing & using this workflow in Alfred to dial phone numbers with Dialectic.

Alfred v1

To dial from Alfred v1 you will need to modify the URL Alfred uses when you select a phone number by following these steps:


Now, when you select a phone number data item from an Address Book contact from Alfred, the number will be sent to Dialectic for dialing. Please see the Alfred documentation for more information.

You can also use Alfred to launch AppleScripts to control Dialectic such as switching the current Location or retrieve your Quick Dial entries. For example scripts (and other items) that could be used to integrate Dialectic & Alfred, see the Dialectic Online Resources:


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